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CHARGER (12) Gun-brig Built in 1801, Deptford.
Sold in 1814.

    Ten 18-pounder carronades, two 18-pounders and an 18 inch mortar.
  • 1803 Lieut. T. W. REDE, Swin.
    On 2 November 180-3 he sent into Portsmouth the Swedish ship REDENTON, Peter Simon, master, which he had detained. She was bound for Bordeaux from Garla with naval stores.
  • 1805 Lieut. John Aitken BLOW, Downs North Sea.
    Based at Hoseley Bay. Some 40 miles E. S.E. of Orfordness he captured a small Dutch privateer cutter DE ZENNO on 28 May 1805. She had 13 men and a chest of arms on board and had left Flushing two days previously but had made no captures.
  • On 9 June 1808 CHARGER, PIERCER and TURBULENT, with the bomb THUNDER, sailed from Malmo Road with 70 homebound merchantmen under convoy. At 5.20 PM, as the convoy arrived abreast of Salthome, the wind dropped and 25 Danish gunboats attacked TURBULENT stationed at the rear. She was boarded and carried along with 12 or 13 merchantmen but THUNDER managed to beat off her attackers. CHARGER and PIERCER to too far off to come to their assistance.
  • Lieut. BLOW was appointed to ALGERINE in June 1810.
  • 1811 She was used in the defence of Cadiz under the command of Lieut. James ASKEY until the raising of the siege.
    In the Downs in May 1814.

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