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Use quotes like in "Aboukir Bay" to search phrases.
Use * as a wildcard like in "Trafalg*".

DIAMOND (4) Hired schooner Hired schooner dating from 1832.
  • Commanded by Lieut. Henry KEPPEL while he was serving in MAGICIENNE and employed on minor operations in the Straits of Malacca.
    With a schooner-rigged pinnace, Mr M. D. BEDFORD, midshipman, and seven man-of-war boats, also commanded by midshipmen, under his orders he sailed from Malacca in June 1832 to blockade the Moowar river and prevent munitions of war reaching the Rajah of Nanning who was in revolt against the Hon.E. I.Co.
  • Lieut. KEPPEL appears to have spent the few weeks of the blockade shooting elephants with the friendly Rajah of Moowar.

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