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FANTOME (16) Built in 1839, Chatham.
Broken up in 1864.

  • 1840 E. H. BUTTERFIELD 10/1839, Chatham for the West Indies.
    On 20 Aug.
  • 1840 FANTOME captured three slavers and liberated the 43 slaves they were carrying.
    During May 1841 she captured the slaver brigantine JOSEPHINE after a chase of 24 hours.
    299 slaves were found on board.
    BUTTERFIELD was obliged to send his first lieutenant in charge of the prize crew having lost by death the master, second lieutenant and surgeon.
    The JOSEPHINE had previously been chased by WOLVERINE, BONETTA, CYGNET and LYRA without success.
  • 1842 P. G. HAYMES, 12/1841, South America.
  • 1842 Portsmouth.
  • 1846 Sir Fred.
    NICOLSON, 12/1844, Gibraltar.
    On 12 May 1846 FANTOME's boats recaptured an English merchant brig, RUTH, with a valuable cargo that had been seized by Barbary pirates, beached under Cape Treforcas and covered by a force drawn up on the beach.
    The boats, under Master Francis NIBLETT, recovered the prize while NICHOLSON attacked the pirates, killing many of them.
    Midshipman Richard BOYS was killed and eight seamen wounded.
    NICOLSON was promoted to post captain and John SANDERSON, the first lieutenant, who was also wounded, was made commander.
  • 1848 (12-gun) Portsmouth.

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