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FORT DIAMOND Armed sloop Built in 1804.
  • A sloop used off Martinique in 1804 and crewed with 30 volunteers from the 5th. Rate EMERALD under the command of her 1st.
    lieutenant, Mr Thomas FORREST. On the morning of 13 March 1804 he weathered the Pearl Rock to bear down on a French privateer schooner, MOSAMBIQUE, which, unable to enter St. Pierre, had anchored close to the shore under a battery at Seron.
    Meanwhile Capt. O'BRIAN of Emerald sent his boats in a different direction to distract the battery.
    When they saw that the English were about to board, the schooner's crew discharged a broadside and then all 50, black and white, jumped overboard and swam ashore.
    FORT DIAMOND had only two wounded, Mr HALL, the mate and seaman EWEN.
  • The MOSAMBIQUE, pierced for 14 guns and mounting ten 18-pdr.
    carronades, was commanded by Citizen Vallentes. She was from Guadeloupe, coppered, apparently new and fitted for a three month cruise.

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