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Use quotes like in "Aboukir Bay" to search phrases.
Use * as a wildcard like in "Trafalg*".

HARPY Built in 1825, Chatham (Cherokee class).
Sold in 1841.

  • Chatham.
    Charles RICH, 01/1828, Jamaica.
  • 1830 J. P. LARCON, 09/1829, Jamaica.
    June 1831 Plymouth.
    March 1832 Plymouth.
  • 1837 Lieut. Hon. George CLEMENTS, 01/1836, NAWI
    At the end of September 1837 she arrived at Sierra Leone with a returned prize crew from the West Indies. She had lost many men with fever and when she sailed a few days later her officers had to go aloft with the rest of the crew.
  • 1838 Lieut. Henry St. GEORGES, 01/1838, NAWI
  • 1840 Plymouth.

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