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JASPER Built in 1808, Ipswich (Cherokee class).
Wrecked in 1817.

  • 1808 William Wescott DANIEL, 07/1808, coast of Spain.
    In August 1810 JASPER took part in an expedition under the command of Capt. George COCKBURN against the French at Moguer on the Huebla River.
    JASPER left Cadiz on the night of the 22nd with a number of transports and flat boats with a Spanish force under General Lascey. On the following night, being some 12 miles south of the river entrance, she anchored close in shore, the troops and their horses were landed, and the General commenced his march along the coast attended by eleven flat-boats (under Lieut. WESTPHAL of IMPLACABLE) which ferried them across a branch of the river. The Spaniards arrived at Moguer at eleven o'clock on the 24th. after a 22 mile march and fell on the French garrison immediately. They soon drove them out leaving a number of dead and taking 12 prisoners who said that the French were 1,100 strong. The French made several counter attacks but at the end of the day they retreated towards Seville pursued by the Spaniards.
  • 1811 T. HUNLOKE, Lisbon Mediterranean. John EVELEIGH, 11/1811.
  • 1812 Henry JENKINSON, 13/08/1812, Plymouth.
  • 1814 Ditto, Lisbon.
  • 1814 Thomas CAREW, 06/1814, Lisbon.
    In August 1816 he accompanied the expedition against Algiers as far as Gibraltar, returning home with Lord Exmouth's dispatches.
  • During the 19 January 1817 gale force winds from the south, combined with an unusually high tide to bring huge waves sweeping into Plymouth Sound.
    At about 4 o'clock in the morning of Monday 20 January, when the winds had built up to hurricane force, JASPER was driven on to the Bear's Head at Mount Batten in the Sound and wrecked. 65 people on board were drowned including Edward SMITH (Master and the senior officer aboard); Robert MARSHALL (purser); Godfrey MARTIN (masters mate), William DOLES and S. WILLIAMS (midshipman), 40 men and 15 females. Only 2 men, a seaman and a marine, survived. Houses near the quays had three feet of water and several boats were floating in the streets of the Barbican.
    At a court martial held in the Hamoaze on the 28 January CAREW was acquitted of blame since he had left her properly moored and in a good berth. It was decided that precautions, veering more cable and striking her top-masts, had not been taken in time.
    The TELEGRAPH, schooner and the PRINCESS MARY, packet were wrecked at the same time with the total loss of of at least 70 people. A revenue cutter, LAPWING was thrown ashore at Millbay.

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