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LORD NELSON (10) Plymouth privateer.
  • 1801 Captain Gibson.
    At the end of February she sent a Paupenbergher laden with geneva (gin) from Ostend to Lisbon into Torbay.
    On 28 Feb. she sent a French lugger L'ESPOIR (14) with 75 men from St Malo into Plymouth.
    On the evening of the 4 March, although protected by the Admiralty, she had 14 of her best hands pressed by a man of war's boat, which prevented her from sailing.
    The following morning Mr P. Symons, owner of the LORD NELSON, made a representation to Ad. Sir T. PAISLEY about the impressment and the Admiral ordered the Lieutenant who had impressed them to return the men to the privateer. She sailed the same evening.
  • During a hurricane on the 21 March LORD NELSON had her cables and anchors carried away when she was run foul of by a gun-brig.

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