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MAGNANIME (44) Built in 1780, Deptford as a 64 gun ship.
Razeed in September 1794 - February 1795 and armed with six 24-pounder carronades, twenty-six 24-pounders and twelve 12-pounders. (See INDEFATIGABLE).
Broken up in 1813 at Sheerness.

  • 1783 Capt. Thomas MACKENZIE.
    With Vice Ad. Sir Edward HUGHES in the East Indies.
    Took part in the action with Suffrein's fleet off Cuddalore on 20 June 1783.
  • 1795 Capt. SCHOMBERG, March/1795.
    Capt. Michael de COURCY.
    Sept./1795 On 24 August 1798 MAGNAMINE and NAIAD captured the French frigate DECADE off Cape Finisterre and on 12 October she was with Sir John WARREN's squadron in action with the French off the coast of Ireland.
    Lieut. Charles DASHWOOD of MAGNAMINE took possession of the HOCHE and, when he was superseded by an officer from CANADA, placed in charge of the COQUILLE frigate.
    He re-fitted at Belfast and took her to Plymouth where she was destroyed in an accidental fire on 14 December.
  • 1799 Capt. TAYLOR, re-fitting at Plymouth.
    MAGNAMINE, MELAMPUS and SNAKE left Portsmouth on 13 February 1800 with a convoy of ships for the East Indian and African trade.
    Later in the West Indies
  • MAGNANIME returned from the Leeward Is.
    to Plymouth on 5 January 1802 after a passage of forty-one days with some of her convoy. She had only eighty-four men fit for duty.
    The sick men, suffering mainly from scurvy and dysentery, were landed in the afternoon and taken to the Royal Naval hospital.
    There were only two fever cases.
  • On 25 February orders came down for MAGNANIME to be paid off and her crew to be sent on board CAMBRIDGE as supernumeraries till further orders.
  • 1803 Capt. BROUGHTON, 08/1803, Channel.
    On 1 August 1804 MAGNAMIME took part in an attack by Lord KEITH'S squadron on numerous vessels at Le Havre. She later remained in ordinary until being used as a receiving ship from 1805.

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