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ELIZABETH (64) 3rd rate Built in 1737, Chatham.
Broken up in 1766.

  • 1737 Capt. Edward FALKINGHAM (1), Chatham in May 1738. At the Nore in July with orders to sail to the Downs where he spent August pressing men. She sailed on the 26th., arriving at Spithead on the 29th. On 17th. November orders came down to fit ELIZABETH as a guardship.
  • On 13th. April 1739 ELIZABETH was taken into dock for a day and her bottom was found to be in good condition. Ad. Philip CAVENDISH hoisted his flag in her on 17th. June.
  • ELIZABETH sailed from St. Helen's for Gibraltar on 18th. December.
  • 1741 Capt. Thomas DURELL, from KENT, which had been taken into dock for repair, attached to the main fleet under Sir John NORRIS, Capt. DURELL died at sea on 23 August in the same year.

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